Monday, January 18, 2010

Eviction! Friday AM

Mr Burns has decided to not pay rent for rest of the month, so the judge (doctor) has given an eviction notice for Friday. So, he has 72 hours to vacate the premise or the obstetric police force will be called to duty.

We are being induced on Friday AM. Our adventure starts with triage at the hospital at 6pm on Thursday, then... it is time for celebration and babysitters.

This eviction notice is great so we can make sure all is organized. We have Cozy on board for taking care of Molly during the process.

We will be sure to share the pertinent information as soon as he comes out. We will update the blog and FB with the details.

Who get to change his diaper first?


  1. That's an easy answer. Andy changes the first diaper while Carla recovers! Actually, a nurse will probably change the first one.

  2. Babies don't use diapers, they come out potty trained dumb ass
